10 Tips for healthy eating even when you work

                 Hey guys, thank you so much for reading my posts regularly.
Today i am going to share some tips for healthy eating while you are in office. Well! healthy eating means those habits that will keep you healthy and fit that too without hampering your office routine

Lets get started with the tips..

Number 1# 
Make your choices healthy - When you are tired but hungry you tend to make the wrong choices. you want something easy to make or ready to eat. For most f the time uch food items contains high level of FAT and calories or your mind will crave for coffee. Be ready for such kind of situations.
                   Stuff your fridge with fruits & juices and have them handy with you in office. whenever you feel sleepy or tired or a little hungry you can grab an apple. This will keep ypu away from unhealthy food items & tea/coffee.

Number 2# 
Have your meals prepared before you get home - It is upto your choice when tio prepare your meal but if you take my opinion always cook your meal before going to iffice this will save your time and energy and you can enjoy your healthy food when you get home.

Number 3# 
Bring your own meal - As I told earlier this is the best way to stay fit. Outside food will have unhealthy contains in it. Mostly the food will be oily. Bring your own food to work. If it is not possible for you to bring the food go for fruits or juices. Avoid taking Tea or coffee when hungry.

Number 4# 
Don't go for heavy meals - For the people who are working in shifts might have time issue for food availability as they might not get food when they work in night shifts. In such situations people go for heavy meals so that hunger wont trouble them for at least 5-6 hours. 
             Heavy meal is the main reason behind getting fat as body can not digest this much of food in one go so just dilutes in body and increases the FAT. Have small meals after every 2 hours. you can have light breakfast if you feel hungry in middle.

Number 5#
 Fix your eating schedule - I know this is hard!!! as you have your shifts its impossible to have a fix time for lunch or dinner but you have to try your best. If you fix your eating schedule your body will get trained in such away that it wont crave for food in any other time frame.

Number 6#
Don't do mindless eating - Sit and eat your food. If you eat in hurry or in front of the computer you will be having the mindless eating which is not very profitable for your body. You have to take a pause in order to digest your food while eating.

 Number 7#
 Moderate your caffeine consumption - Caffeine stays in your body for more than 5-6 hours. It wont let your body relax. If you moderate your coffee intake for 2 days you yourself will feel the difference.

Number 8#
DRINK!!!!! - Its like giving treat to your body. You might get confused with the thirst signals with hunger. keep a bottle full of water handy with you. It might increase your visits to the washroom but it is for the betterment of your body.

Number 9#
Little Exercise - Sitting job makes you lazy. Do stretching, walk a bit, take stairs. Its mandatory to keep your body moving. if you work in shifts give yourself 10 minutes of walk it will release your tension and the fresh air will freshen up your mind.

Number 10#
Sleeping beauty - Give yourself a good 8-9 hours of sleep. the more your body will relax the more you get fit as body has its functions to prefer when you are asleep. the food you eat will get digested in the sleep more nicely. If you work in odd shifts you can complete your 8 hour sleeping time with small naps as possible.






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